Over a quarter of a million pounds of funding has already been awarded to residents in the Chichester District over the last two years to help make their homes more energy efficient, with further funding on its way.
This is one of the actions within the Chichester District Council’s Climate Emergency Action Plan, which has a target of a 10% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions year on year until 2025 for both the council and for the Chichester District as a whole. On Tuesday, councillors heard that the council has reduced its emissions by 16% year-on-year. This decrease is largely thought to be a result of the lockdown and an increase in renewable energy available through the National Grid, however, councillors were also updated on how the council is making great strides with its Climate Emergency Action Plan.
From investing in electric refuse collection vehicles and working to improve the energy efficiency within council buildings, to safeguarding a series of wildlife corridors across the district and increasing tree planting within the district, the council is progressing a number of major projects to help reduce carbon emissions within its own work and across the district over the coming months and years.
The council is also launching a new campaign to inform residents about the different ways in which they can help play their part in achieving this goal – focusing on the energy efficiency measures that can not only save money, but also protect the environment.
“At a time when we are all seeing our energy bills rise, there has never been a better time to act and make simple changes that will help us save money and make a real difference to our environment,” says Cllr Penny Plant, Cabinet Member for the Environment and Chichester Contract Services at Chichester District Council.
“We are continually bidding for funding from the government to help residents to fund energy efficiency and renewable energy measures in their homes. We have already successfully bid for over a quarter of a million pounds, which has been distributed to residents through our delivery partners, and we have been successful in winning further government grants. The roll-out of this funding is currently being developed. We would advise anyone who is interested to contact our home energy advisers at Arun and Chichester Citizens Advice to see what schemes they may be eligible for.”
Making sure your home is well-insulated can make a huge impact on both the environment and your energy bill. There are various grants available for measures such as loft, floor and wall installation, and for air-source heat pumps and Photovoltaic (PV) solar panels that cut your carbon emissions. You can find out whether you are eligible by contacting Arun and Chichester Citizens Advice on: 01243 974063 or by visiting: https://arunchichestercab.org.uk/contact-us/energy-2021
“There are steps – big and small – that everyone can take to make a difference that will help them save money and protect our environment. This is what our campaign, aims to do – show how easy it is to play your part,” adds Penny.
The campaign highlights how small DIY measures, such as fitting a hot water cylinder with an insulation jacket can save you £20 a year on your heating bill and reduce carbon emissions by 150kg. It also highlights how you can save money by switching to LED bulbs; and how helpful tips like making sure your radiators aren’t blocked by furniture will make sure that heat can spread through the room. The council has put together a short video to give tips and advice on small steps that can save money and reduce energy use, and you can view this here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8k86IuJ5Pk8
“We also thank people for the role that they are already playing in recycling household waste. We currently recycle around 45% of household waste and we are keen to see this rise even further,” says Penny.
“By working together and all playing our part, we can make a real difference.”
The council is also holding a virtual meeting on Zoom to update residents and interested groups on the council’s Climate Emergency Action Plan on 17 February 2022 between 6.30pm and 8pm. Cabinet Member, Cllr Penny Plant, will introduce a presentation which will be given by the Environmental Strategy team. As well as updating residents, half of the meeting will also be used for questions and discussion. You can join the Zoom Meeting at:
https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86306938468?pwd=RXQ0aC9PRWhvK3ozWEJ0cVE5bEhCQT09 using the Meeting ID: 863 0693 8468 and Passcode: 079096
Further information on the work that the council is doing on climate change can be found at: www.chichester.gov.uk/climatechange