Andy Green from Chichester College Meeting 7th June 2023 With exam season here, Gillian knows that lots of young people will be thinking 'what's next?' for them in their journey. It was great for Gillian to catchup... Articles
Graylingwell Food Hub Visit 2nd June 2023 Back in January, Gillian met up with UKHarvest at their Donnington centre to learn how their team behind the scenes make it all possible. The other day, she... Articles
RNLI Coxswain Rob Archibald Interview 1st June 2023 Gillian had a brilliant to chat with Coxswain Rob Archibald about some of the volunteering roles available at RNLI Selsey Lifeboat. There are plenty of... Articles
Chichester Festival Theatre Visit 26th May 2023 Want to work in the theatre but are worried you: Didn't go to the 'right school; Don't have a Drama degree; or Come from a less 'arty' background? There are now... Articles
Foster Care Fortnight 26th May 2023 Gillian had a brilliant time celebrating Foster Care Fortnight and welcoming so many amazing foster carers to 10 Downing Street recently. Thank you for... Articles
Mumsnet Interview 25th May 2023 It was great for Gillian to chat childcare, teachers, special educational needs and much more with founder Justine Roberts. Gillian thanks Mumsnet... Articles
Energy Bills and Inflation Down 25th May 2023 Today's price cap announcement means that from July, we should see energy bills fall by nearly £430 per year on average. Yesterday, we saw the ONS confirm... Articles
Young People's Shop Visit 24th May 2023 It was great for Gillian to drop by the Young People’s Shop the other day to talk mental health and local youth services. The Shop offer emotional support and... Articles
Richard Craven Retirement 23rd May 2023 Thank you Richard Craven for more than 25 years of service to the Chichester Harbour Conservancy! As Director and Harbour Master, Richard has been a real... Articles