Gillian is a Vice Chair of the APPG on Leasehold and Commonhold Reform, their aim is to examine the complex, antiquated legal matrix governing leasehold tenure in England. The group analyse the effects of investigatory powers by Government and regulatory bodies within the leasehold sector on protecting leaseholders from exploitation. They also explore how our current leasehold laws and systems can be improved and the implementation of commonhold tenure, as it is intended.
The aims of the All Party Parliamentary Group are updated as at 5th July 2017:
- To consider ways in which leasehold and commonhold legislation and regulation might be improved.
- To examine those elements of current legislation and regulation which are seen as defective.
- To look at ways to reduce the opportunities for exploitation and ways to alleviate the distress and hardship faced by some leaseholders, particularly the more vulnerable and elderly leaseholder.
- To consider how the current cost imbalance at the leasehold property Tribunal might be addressed, how the Tribunal might be developed for use under revised commonhold legislation and how it might return to parliament’s original intention as a low cost forum for disputes and redress.
- To consider and to make known objectionable and unacceptable behaviour in the sector.
- To consider those matters in leasehold insurance and service charge funds which currently fall outside the regulatory framework of the FCA.
- To consider the different issues faced in the private sector and in the social sectors
- To liaise with and monitor the actions of the various government departments dealing with leasehold and commonhold issues along with the activities of publicly funded bodies working in this area.
- To review commonhold legislation to explore how to better implement this form of tenure so it works as parliament intended.