Protecting the River Ems

Gillian is working with local councillors, Cllr. Mike Magill, and Cllr. Roy Briscoe, from WSCC and CDC respectively, as well as, the community to reduce the rate of water abstraction from the River Ems, that runs through her constituency.

There is a local community group FOTE, or Friends of the River Ems, which has been established to save the river. If you want to be a friend of the River Ems and its streams, please get involved by signing up as a supporter. Email [email protected]. 

The Ems, one of only about 200 such chalk streams globally.  Currently, water is abstracted by Portsmouth Water from the underground sources of the Ems, this campaign is working to support the communities efforts to support wildlife, rare habitats and an important resource for local people by better understanding the impact of abstraction and bring forward changes to these rates to protect the river.

For more information on FOTE click here.

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SSSI enquiry response

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JNCC response to SSSI enquiry

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Gillian and the community work to save The River Ems

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Gillian continues work to save The River Ems

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